Klaus Pseiner (Managing Director FFG) and Theresia Vogel (Managing Director Climate and Energy Fund) awarded also on behalf of Leonore Gewessler, Federal Minister for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (exactly our topics 😀), the prize of “Mission Innovation Austria” in the category “Tech Solutions” to ecop CEO Bernhard Adler. This category honors “outstanding achievements in the field of applied research and development that contribute significantly to the implementation of future energy systems or to the transformation of the economic system towards a circular economy.” The laudatory speech specifically praised the high implementation potential, which had convinced the jury. We are very happy about the recognition for our revolutionary heat pump technology for industry and district heating.
The award is presented by the Ministry of the Environment, austria wirtschaftsservice (aws), the FFG, the Climate and Energy Fund, Österreichs Energie and Business Upper Austria. The title “Mission Innovation Austria” indicates that these are to be activities with a clear and ambitious goal. We are very proud to receive this award in this high-profile environment and from important and competent players.