Photo: Brutkasten

The renowned Austrian platform for innovation and startups, Brutkasten, nominated ecop among the top 10 best Austrian companies as “Innovator of the year” in the category “Sustainability”.

This was preceded by an article in the magazine and an extensive video talk with CEO Bernhard Adler and CSO Lothar Stadler.

In the article, the Rotation Heat Pump is described as a “gamechanger for the industry” and “key to the energy transition”. In addition to current data on the Rotation Heat Pump and numerous background information, there is also a reference to a complementary new business model, referred to in the article as “heat-as-a-service”. The videotalk delves deeper into the topics and in the conversation Bernhard Adler and Lothar Stadler go into the changes in the market due to the energy crisis. Furthermore, there is background information about the scaling up and the financing of ecop.


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Watch the video